Friday, June 10, 2011

Animation Magazine Pitch Party 2011

WOW! It has been AWHILE hasn't it, you poor neglected blogspace!

In reality, most of my blogging has been over on The ARMSmasters production blog so shame on you if you haven't checked it out yet! Since most of my 'for fun' art tends to be ARMSmasters related if it's not just loose doodling and sketches, it'll show up there and on deviant art a little faster then I get around to posting it here.

I have an excuse though! Shortly after Mel and I began working on the model sheets we both got hired by one of the local studios to work post production on a major feature film that'll be out in the next month or so. We're talking 60 hr work weeks here. This, obviously, cut into our productivity for the 'for free despite being for our future' ARMSmasters Project since that is a donation of time and energy and we must keep freelancing to be -able- to donate time to ARMSmasters. Soon we will be initiating a major fund raising effort for ARMSmasters but even then, that will have to wait until after we are done with these 60 hour work weeks and get a break.

But on to the real purpose of this post. At the very last second I found out about the Animation Magazine Pitch Party, where every year they open their August issue up to contestants who are trying to put together independent properties and put ideas together to pitch to the animation industry. It's a great opportunity to get exposure in a way that we simply could not do on our own at this stage. No matter what, all entries get printed in their magazine which hits all major bookstores and reaches animation junkies and producers world wide. On top of this, you have a chance to obtain placing through voting by Judges from the industry, an editors choice and a Readers choice. For me, the fact that we will be printed in Animation Magazine is signifigant enough but placing in any category in the contest itself would be mind blowing.

So in a hurry, with barely two weeks to do it, Mel Miller and I hashed out an ad in the same fashion we did the blog banner. I did the composition and rough layout, though this time I did work tighter then the banner, and Mel did a final line and her awesome colors. I blocked out the ad mockup and she finished it off and actually put it together, making some adjustments for space. The result is what you see at the top of this post.

Voting for the online readers choice should begin soon with the winners announced July 1st. Stay tuned to this space or, better yet, visit The ARMSmasters blog, for more info and vote for us!.

P.S. - if you don't vote for us then at least vote for my buddy, Dwight Williamson. Though helping out on ARMSmasters I encouraged him to get his own idea, High Speed Waffleman, out there. He'll be in the magazine as well!


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